Smile You Don't Cry Mp3 + Lirik - Sule feat Andre

Smile You Don't Cry Mp3 + Lirik - Sule feat Andre - Lagu Smile You Don't Cry menjadi fenomenal di indonesia khususnya bagi para penggemar OVJ opera van java.

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Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu Smile You Don't Cry :

You want to say goodbye
I want to holiday
I give you food capcay
After don’t cry
Try to look at the sky
Nothing to puyunghay
I want to you cingcay
Don’t finish i ngacay
I want you and me always together
Always together i want you and me
You dont running, me and the cry
For you, i and the sky
Nothing the wind of change, because i love you so
Oh my love oh my darling
I never stop loving you baby because i love you
Smile you don’t cry huuu smile you don’t cry
Untuk mendownload Smile You Don't Cry Mp3 disini

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